I am a student teacher in my final year of University in a midsize Canadian city. I want to be a math teacher in order to break students' misconceptions about mathematics and show them how fun math can be.

Saturday 2 June 2012

First Post!

Good Morning!

This is my first post of my first blog and I'm not sure who is going to actually be interested in what I have to say... but this is mainly for me to keep a record of my thoughts on teaching, classroom management, and lesson planning.  Maybe I can even get some feedback from all my fellow Mathematics teacher bloggers out there!

I have been reading blogs, especially those by mathematics teachers, for a little over a year now and I have read many good ideas that I wish to use in my own classroom one day.  Well.. that is hoping I actually get hired as the job market here is pretty dismal.  Either way, I want to grow as a teacher and be able to reflect on my practices to see where I can improve.

That is all for now as school is done for the summer! I will get my practicum placement for next year soon so I am very excited about that!

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